Welcome to the July 2011 LDS Blog Train! Sorry this was late today, we got two new puppies yesterday and, well, how can you not be out adoring how sweet they are? lol. Here is my contribution:

This is the blog list for you... don't get lost!

This is the blog list for you... don't get lost!
ScrapN2Nspire - Scrapn2nspire.com
Robyn Pali Designs - robynpalidesigns.blogspot.com
Let Me Scrapbook - letmescrapbook.blogspot.com
Trish Heffner Designs - trishhdesigns.blogspot.com
Fran B Designs - franscraps.blogspot.com
Dancing Princess Designs - dancingprincessdesigns.blogspot.com
All LDS Freebies - allldsfreebies.blogspot.com
My 4 Princesses Designs - my4princessesdesigns.blogspot.com
Plum Dumpling Designs - plumdumplingdesigns.blogspot.com
Kristal Kreations - kristalkreations.blogspot.com
Toddlers of Unusual Size - toddlersofunusualsize.blogspot.com
Wimpy Chompers - wimpychompers.com
Steadfast & Imimovable - steadfast-and-immovable.blogspot.com
Krisi's Kreations - krisiskreations.blogspot.com
Cocoroos Scraps - cocoroosscraps.blogspot.com
Noisy Pancakes - noisypancakes.blogspot.com
Little Penguins Designs - littlepenguinsdesigns.blogspot.com
Winks Art Graphics - winksartgraphics.blogspot.com
KatLen Kreations - katLen124.blogspot.com
Pink Igloo Designs - pinkigloodesigns.blogspot.com
JMC Designs - jensenmotleycrewdesigns.blogspot.com
Digi Designs by Em - digidesignsbyem.blogspot.com
Psychozoe - psychozoe.blogspot.com
The Scrappy Pilgrim - scrappypilgrim.blogspot.com
Dora's Digitals - dorasdigitals.blogspot.com
Designs by Alevtina - alevtinascrap.blogspot.com
Digital Designs by Jana - digitaldesignsbyjana.blogspot.com
VA State of Mind Designs - vastateofminddesigns.blogspot.com
The Latest Scoop, Too - thelatestscooptoo.blogspot.com
The Latest Scoop, Too - thelatestscooptoo.blogspot.com
Hot Pink Pansy - hotpinkpansy.com
Thanks! I love your shell frame.
Thank you for your contribution! Seriously loving the shell frame and the great stick fence!
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 7 post on Jul. 02, 2011. Thanks again.
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 6 post on Jul. 02, 2011. Thanks again.
Thanks for your part of the blog train.
Thank you so much! :)
Just beautiful! Thank you so much!
thanks for sharing!
I love the fence and cloud and paper 4. Thanks!
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